
Hello, all.

beauty_feelsMy name is Cicely, and I’ve lost about 60 pounds over the past few years. It took a while because I like food. The title “I’m Skinny” is a cheeky play on the way people see me. I was much heavier for such a long period of time that people look at me now and think me skinny. I know the reality of my sitch.

I’m still on my journey, trying to decide what I like best for my body. However, I think I’ve reached the point where I can share my stories and hopefully offer some encouragement to others who have lost weight, but aren’t sure what the next step is.

It’s difficult when you’ve been a certain size for a long period of time. You get comfortable with the way you look, the way you feel, how your body reacts to certain things. Then you lose the weight and now you’ve got to contend with this new person. Sure, you’re the same on the inside with the same morals and experiences. But now you’ve got to dress this new body, you’ve got to feed this new body, you’ve got to live in this new home that you’ve created for yourself.

I want my experiences, both funny and thought provoking, to be a way for us to communicate about this adjustment period.

You can reach me on FacebookTwitter, Instagram or Gmail (skinnynowwhat@gmail.com). I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for taking time to check out my blog.




Now What?